Come to our Open Mornings on Tuesday 1st October 2024 & Tuesday 19th November 2024 at 9:30am for parents wishing to enrol their child to start in Reception in September 2025. No need to book.
If you live in Westminster and want to apply for a Primary School place for your child starting in reception class in September 2025, please follow this link Starting primary school from September 2025
St Peter’s School welcomes children from all faiths or of no faith. As a voluntary aided Church of England school, the school aims to provide an education based on Christian principles, and has close links with its parish church, where whole school worship takes place once every half term. The Governors hope that all children will take a full part in the life of the school including Christian worship and Religious Education lessons.
School admissions are co-ordinated across all London boroughs. You will need to apply on the Common Application Form through the borough in which you live. Full details of the admissions process are available from the school. The following document (admissions summary) is an overview of the criteria the governors will apply in allocating places.
Waiting Lists and Appeals WCC
For schools where the local authority holds the waiting list on behalf of the school, the list of positions will be publicly available from 15th May. Appeals for Reception are rarely successful due to infant class size legislation and Westminster Admissions do make this clear to anyone who requests appeal paperwork, so there are usually not too many cases that reach the hearing stage. Nevertheless, there is still a right of appeal for anyone who wishes to pursue this and we ask for appeal requests by 24 May and the hearings will be held in June and July. Some schools will have set their own waiting list and appeal timetables which may differ from the Local Authority.