Week 7- 15.7.20
1- Read the English PDF
2- Complete the activity
Week 5- 1.7.20
1- Read the English PDF
2- Make up an adventure for Fergus. Where could he go? What could he do? Look at the English PDF for examples
Week 4- 24.6.20
1- Read the English PDF
2- Answer the questions in the PDF
Week 3- 17.6.20
1- Read the English PDF
2- Write about a place where you feel welcome
Week 2- 10.6.20
1- Read the English PDF
2- Write a peace poem
Week 1- 3.6.20
1- Read the English PDF below.
2- Write a kindness postcard to someone.
3- You can use the template below if you wish. Or make your own template on paper at home.