When parents and the School work closely together, children feel more secure and approach new learning activities with confidence. We expect all of our parents to support our ethos and aims. St Peter’s encourages parents to be involved in their child’s education. Parent Open Evenings are held each term for you to meet with your child’s Class Teacher to discuss progress.
You will receive a written report at the end of the summer term. However, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child, please arrange a mutually convenient time to meet with your child’s teacher. In addition to this parents receive a termly letter from the teacher detailing the work to be covered in class that term. A newsletter is produced every Friday providing information about the school activities and events for the forthcoming week, as well as general information about the organisation and running of the school.
During the spring / summer term parents have the opportunity to make comments and provide feedback to the school via the annual parent surveys.
At St Peter’s we will do all we can to ensure that your child is given the opportunity to develop their academic and social skills to the full. We will also care for their emotional and physical well-being whilst at the school.
There are things you as a parent can do to help us achieve this. We would ask that you show your support by signing a contract when you come to enroll your child at the school.