Comments and Suggestions
At St Peter's Primary School, we welcome comments and suggestions for improving our work in the school. We encourage parents or carers to discuss any queries about their child's work and progress or other issues with teachers.
If you have concerns, please tell us. Most concerns can be resolved quickly and easily by speaking with your child's teacher who will try to resolve issues informally. If you are dissatisfied with the teacher's response you can raise your concerns with the Headteacher - either in writing, or by making an appointment to discuss the issue.
Please refer to our Complaints Policy if you are still dissatisfied, or if the complaint is about the Headteacher. (The link below takes you directly to our Policies page, where you can find all school policies.) The Policy guides you through the process of submitting a formal complaint to the Chair of Governors. We will endeavour to deal with your concerns promptly and fairly. All complaints will be treated seriously and our relationship with you and your child will not be affected if you express dissatisfaction.
We hope that all concerns and complaint can be settled within school but in exceptional cases where all the steps have been taken, it may be possible to refer the matter to outside bodies e.g. Ofsted. Before they conduct any investigation, they will first check that the school complaints procedures have been followed. Any complaint that appears to have bypassed the school procedures will be referred back to us to investigate.