Financial Information
To ensure that we achieve best value with our school funds, we regularly compare (benchmark) ourselves to other schools to see how we are doing. We can compare ourselves to local schools, or select any comparison schools based on their size or any other characteristic e.g. schools with similar numbers of children entitled to free school meals. We use that information to investigate areas where we are out of step and we are able to reach out to build relationships with particular schools to share experience and learn from each other.
The Department for Education provides access to the financial data of all schools via The Financial Benchmarking website. You can view our school data here
Voluntary Aided
As St Peter’s is a ‘Voluntary Aided’ school, we are required to look after the school buildings ourselves. We receive a small government grant to help and we are expected to raise additional funds for projects from voluntary donations.
We therefore ask parents and the local community to support the school with an annual donation into our Maintenance Fund. The Fund is used to support projects that maintain and improve the school buildings. Thank you for your support!