Music home learning 22nd June 2020
Music Home Learning 8 June 2020
Year 3: Viking Saga - an opportunity for you to create music and join in with songs and stories inspired by the gods and goddesses of Viking mythology.
Please download this if you did not last week and keep it for the weeks ahead:
Part 7: Birds of the North
This is a celebration of Scandinavian birds. Birds also feature in the story: Loki flies to Jotunheim as a falcon to rescue Iduna; then he transforms her into a sparrow for the journey back...but Thiassi is after them!
Music Home Learning 1 June 2020
Year 3: Viking Saga - an opportunity for you to create music and join in with songs and stories inspired by the gods and goddesses of Viking mythology.
Please download this if you did not last week and keep it for the weeks ahead:
Part 6: Apples of Iduna
Iduna's magic apples give the Viking gods immortality. Loki isn't that fond of when he is forced to help Thiassi - the king of the giants - against the gods Iduna's apples provide the perfect opportunity to cause mayhem.
Music home learning, week beginning 4th May
Year 3: Viking Saga - an opportunity for you to create music and join in with songs and stories inspired by the gods and goddesses of Viking mythology.
Please download this if you did not last week and keep it for the weeks ahead:
Part 3: Goblins a go-go!
The goddess Freya journeys to the underground world of the goblins - sworn enemies of the gods. They have a fantastic necklace that Freya wants. But there's a high price to pay for it...a big, sloppy kiss for each goblin!
Music home learning, week beginning 27th April
Year 3: Viking Saga - an opportunity for you to create music and join in with songs and stories inspired by the gods and goddesses of Viking mythology.
Please download this if you did not last week and keep it for the weeks ahead:
Part 2: Odin, mighty world-creator
This describes the realms of the Viking world: Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Bifrost, Helheim and all held in place by the roots and branches of a great ash tree called Yggdrasil.